Sunday, 10 September 2017

The Eternal Feud

The Political conflicts we see today in the Middle East region, and the restless attempts to divide the region again into demographic lands. are based on ancient feuds between political and religious tribes, where the descendants of each one of them are trying to revive attempts of restoring powers.

Perhaps if we dig in the past and stop at certain stations, we may uncover the reasons behind all these present political complications.

We know that Adam and Eve our first parents, were created, mated, had two sons, one of them killed the other, and murder was the first crime.

Akhnokuh or Idris, who is known as a prophet, was also a teacher. He had all the  knowledge and science which he taught to humans.
The Quran tells us that God raised Idris to a higher place. I believe this means a higher rank with regards to the enormous knowledge he was acquiring.
Interestingly he was born in Babylon but left to Egypt and started his teachings there.
The Pharaohs of Egypt were excellent students. They captured all sciences, then spread them worldwide.

Noah lived in ancient Mesopotamia, and was known as the person who built the ark to save humans and animals from a devastating flood.
All religious and history books confirm that he at least had three sons Sam, Ham and Japheth.
In the Book of Genesis, Noah cursed Ham (because he saw him naked) but put the curse upon his son Canaan to be always a servant to the children of Ham's brothers.
There are some disputes about this story, however regardless of  what is true and what is not, it was certainly a start of a big historic feud between the same family.

The story told that Noah blessed Sam (Shem) and wished for Japheth to multiply in numbers, and be under the "protective umbrella" of Shem. And Canaan always be their servants!

Because of this story, Superior Race was created, and now there are already Lords and Slaves.

After the flood Japheth moved through Turkey and inhabited the lands of  North Iran, Armenia and Russia, then continued to explore all the North of East and West Europe, then down to France, Spain, Italy and the Greek Islands.

Ham moved to Africa and parts of the Near East (India)
Egypt was considered in the Bible as the Land of Ham.
Ham became the forefather of the southern peoples (Hamitic Race)

The Book of Jubilees hinted that Ham's son Canaan, further refused to join his brothers to settle in Ham's allotment beyond the Nile (Africa) and proceeded to inhabit the Eastern shores of Mediterranean "squatting" within the inheritance of Shem in the region that later was known as the Promised Land to Abraham.

Sam or Shem is known as the forefather of the Middle Peoples (Semitic Race). Jews consider him their father through Arpachshad.

Now Arpachshad who is considered the father of Jews, had 3 sons:
Cainan: whom for some reasons the Jews cancelled his name from the genealogical list

Shelah or Salah: Who may be also son of Cainan and not Arpachshad, had a son called Eber who is the eponymous ancestor of Hebrews. He was living in Babel, however it is said by the Jewish traditions that he refused to participate in building the Tower of Babel.
Eber had two sons, Peleg and Joktan.
Peleg: Whom in his days and according to the Book of Genesis "The Earth was divided" and this expression was translated as political divisions between the sons of Noah.
From Peleg there were Reu, Serug, Nahor, Terah and Abraham.

Joktan In Arabic is Qahtan.
Later the sons of Joktan raised Ismail son of  Abraham.

I will stop at this station and try to see how we can inter-relate so far, these genetic lines with Geo-politics.

Since Canaan rebelled and refused to join his father, he might also have rebelled to fight the curse of Noah and the idea of being a servant to Shem.
His offsprings formed major powers, and repeatedly tried to control the regions of Egypt, Syria and Phoenicia, where important political was changing continuously in the aftermath of each battle.

The Jebusites were also offspring of Canaan, settled in Philistine and built the city of Jerusalem which they named it Jebus till it was later conquered by King David.

The Amorites who were described in the Bible as the Giants, probably are the same people of Eram in the Koran. They were the inhabitants of Parts of Arabia, Jordan and North Syria. The Bibles tell that they were conquered by Joshua, as the Israelites were ordered to destroy all the inhabitants of Canaan, however the Gibeonites (offshoots of Amorite) "tricked" them to a treaty that kept their lives but only as slaves.

The Elamites were descendants of Elam son of Shem and inhabited the lands southwest of Iran and Iraq. It was later conquered by the Sumerian king Enmebaragesi, and the Babylonian king Hammurabi, who put the Hammurabi Code, a law that was written before the Mosaic Code, a matter which was subject to disputes between civilizations for many centuries to come, probably till our days.

Abraham was the father of Issac from the Hebrew Lady Sarah and Ismail from the Egyptian Lady Hajar who was Sarah's maid.

The descendants of the two sons are in feud till nowadays.
The Eternal Feud!

Sami Cherkaoui

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