Tuesday, 26 September 2017

Cradle of Civilization

The Cradle of Civilization is in the region of Mesopotamia that is the area between the two rivers Euphrates and Tigris, and includes Iraq, Northern Jordan, parts of eastern Syria, Kuwait, southeastern Turkey and western Iran.
They are also the countries in which the first societies known had emerged and developed, and from where the basic three religions were sourced.

Overview map of ancient Mesopotamia.

Great Dynasties established, ruled and either vanished or developed into more developed civilizations; Samarra, Halaf, Ubaid, Uruk, Akkadian, Ur, Assyria, Babylonia, Hittite, Achaemenid, Persia and many others.

The earliest language was the Sumerian, then the Semitic then the Akkadian then the Aramaic.

Overview map of ancient Mesopotamia.

Mesopotamians were first in known history, to develop industrial tools and materials to improve their social lives, facilitate their trading methods and strengthen their military force.

They invented metal tools, glass making tools, textile making machines, weaving tools.
They built dams, water storage tanks and irrigation systems.
They used copper, bronze iron and gold to make their military armors.

They invented the sexagesimal numeral system, which is the source of 60 minutes/hour and 24 hours/day, 7days/week, 30 days/months, 12 months/year calendar, created the 360 degree circle and mastered in map making.

Mesopotamians worshiped many Gods through their history, and told legendary tales about those Gods in a mythical way, the echoes of which are still banging till now.

Because of the different religions and powers, Mesopotamia became a battle field where different civilizations and their relevant empires clash to conquer.

Under the Persian Achaemenid Empire, Cyrus the Great became the pre-eminent power of the world.
However he was conquered and fell to Alexander the Great of Macedonia.
Alexander invaded Persia and managed to overthrew King Darius III and conquered the entirety of the Persian Empire.

He then proceeded to take Syria and most of the Levant coast. He captured Tyre after a long siege.
Then he moved to Egypt and many towns were quickly capitulated on his route except Gaza which fell after a long siege similar to the one of Tyre.

In Egypt he considered himself a liberator and was pronounced as  "Master of the Universe", and founded the city of Alexandria which was named after him.

He then marched back into Northern Iraq and defeated Darius once more at the Battle of Gaugamela and captured Babylon.
Darius fled to Media then to Parthia, but Alexander set off in pursuit and just got Darius after his kinsman Bessus stabbed him.

Alexander strangely claimed that while Darius was dying he named him as his successor to the Achaemenid Throne, and he considered himself the legitimate successor to Darius.
He declared war against Bessus to avenge Darius death, and followed him to Afghanistan, and Tajikistan.

Alexander the Great had a complete change in attitude and was rapidly transforming into an "Asian Manner" person. He changed a lot of his habits and traditions to new ones from the Asian roots.
He married a Persian woman. He appointed Persian rulers.
The Persians and Indians started to see him as a new prophet rather than an invader.
He was proclaimed as King of Asia. But he preferred to take the Persian title "King of Kings".

This made his military generals conspire against him. They refused to follow his orders and invaded further the Indian sub-continent. Then he died mysteriously in Babylon.

After his death, a series of civil wars tore his empire apart that resulted in the formation of a number of states ruled by his surviving generals and formed the Arsacid Dynasty.
However the wars with Rome and the Nomads, and the fightings among the Parthian nobility had weakened the Arsacids and the empire broke and vanquished, and Parthia folded into a newly formed province; Khorasan.

In the 7th Century AD, the Sassanid Empire was conquered by the Muslim Armies under the famous Arab military leader Khalid Ibn Al Waleed. Consequently Mesopotamia was reunited under the Arabs, but governed by two provinces: Northern Mosul and Southern Baghdad.

Under the Abbasid Dynasty, Baghdad became the capital of the Arab Empire until the sack of Baghdad 1258 by the Mongolian leader Hulagu Khan who left Baghdad with 1 million person dead, and the city was totally burnt including the House of Wisdom and all its libraries.
Hulagu used the Priceless Books to make a passage across the Tigris River.
This year marked the end of the Islamic Golden Age.

Later the Ottoman Turks took over Baghdad and Mesopotamia was ruled as three separate territories: Mosul, Baghdad and Basra which is a territory included Kuwait.

At the end of WWI, Mesopotamia was occupied by the British Army who under the authority of the British Mandate of Mesopotamia, set up the government of Syria and Iraq under one Hashemite ruler, King Faisal Bin Hussein.

After the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire, in 1920, the nation-state of Iraq was formed with its present days borders.
Kuwait was a British protectorate, granted its independence from Britain in 1961.

In  early 1990s, Saddam Husein the ex-president of Iraq invaded Kuwait to claim it back to its Basra territory, which triggered the West to launch a war with coalition forces against Iraq to liberate Kuwait.

Today we see further attempts to divide the region again into demographic lands. to reshuffle history at present, and prepare it for a unknown and uncertain future.

What is this plan?
Go figure !!

Sami Cherkaoui

Monday, 11 September 2017

Canaan, Land of Feuds

A look in history and religious books, we can conclude that when Canaan rebelled he, his off-springs and off-roots settled on the coast of Anatolia (South Turkey), Syria, Lebanon and Palestine.

Map of Phoenicia (Wikipedia user Kordas, based on Alvaro's work)

We also know that from Arpachshad (son of Shem), came Eber who had two sons, Peleg or Phaleg, who is the main ancestor of Jews, and Joktan (Qahtan) who is the main ancestor of Arabs.

Peleg settled in Babel, and the Book of Genesis marked that in his days "the Earth was divided", which was politically translated to the start of a “feud” between the two brothers (Peleg and Joktan).
As a result Joktan fled Babel to settle in the Arabian Peninsula. His descendants were the origin of Arabs and believed to have raised Ismail son of Abraham, who in turn was the the Great Grandfather of Adnan from whom Muhammad descended.
Prophet Mohammad goes to his roots and stops at Adnan, saying he does not wish to go further back?

The Feud was set to restart when Abraham married Hajar, Sara's maid.
Hajar gave birth to Ismail who became the first born of Abraham, and then was the father of Arabs, who in turn claimed Canaan as their Great Great Grandfather.
Then Sara gave birth to Isaac father of Jacob (Israel) who then was the father of Jews, who further claimed that Canaan does not exist as a nation today.

The Feud had its roots watered, when Abraham married Lady Sarah and left Babylon towards Canaan land, and settled in a place called Shechem (Biblical name) which is now known as Nablus in Palestine.
The Bible defined the Land of Canaan as “the Promised Land”, and named it “Land of Israel”.

Later, following the Exodus from Egypt, Joshua assembled the Israelites in Shechem and encouraged them to "reaffirm" their adherence to the Torah.
According to Book of Genesis, God promised this Land to Abraham’s descendants.
This is may be why all three religions claim the Land.

Abraham and Ismail built Kaaba, which later was considered by Muslims, as the first foundation of House of God.
Muslims believe Abraham is the first Muslim, and Ismail is the “Sacrificed Son”.
Jews and Christians consider Abraham is their father, and Isaac is the “Sacrificed Son”.

Because Hajar was the maid of Sarah, some Jews and Christians claim they are superiors to Muslims! Although Jacob had some children from maids as well!!

Like Isaac, history and religious books did not give much elaboration on Ismail life.
However, it is worth to mention that Ismail and his mother Hajar are associated with the Mosaic Covenant also known as Covenant of Sinai, which forms the first five books of the Hebrew Bible “the Torah”.
While Sarah is associated with the Covenant of Grace, into which her son Isaac enters.
The Covenant of Grace became the basis for all future covenants that God made with mankind such as with Noah, Abraham, Moses and Jesus Christ.

After Moses death, Joshua invaded Canaan and destroyed Jericho and from there he was able to lead the Israelites to several victories, securing much of the Land of Canaan.
The Israelites settled there till the time when King David came and the Kingdom of Israel was established.
By that time the New Feud started between Israelites and the phlistines, and still growing bigger in the present days.

Sami Cherkaoui

Sunday, 10 September 2017

The Eternal Feud

The Political conflicts we see today in the Middle East region, and the restless attempts to divide the region again into demographic lands. are based on ancient feuds between political and religious tribes, where the descendants of each one of them are trying to revive attempts of restoring powers.

Perhaps if we dig in the past and stop at certain stations, we may uncover the reasons behind all these present political complications.

We know that Adam and Eve our first parents, were created, mated, had two sons, one of them killed the other, and murder was the first crime.

Akhnokuh or Idris, who is known as a prophet, was also a teacher. He had all the  knowledge and science which he taught to humans.
The Quran tells us that God raised Idris to a higher place. I believe this means a higher rank with regards to the enormous knowledge he was acquiring.
Interestingly he was born in Babylon but left to Egypt and started his teachings there.
The Pharaohs of Egypt were excellent students. They captured all sciences, then spread them worldwide.

Noah lived in ancient Mesopotamia, and was known as the person who built the ark to save humans and animals from a devastating flood.
All religious and history books confirm that he at least had three sons Sam, Ham and Japheth.
In the Book of Genesis, Noah cursed Ham (because he saw him naked) but put the curse upon his son Canaan to be always a servant to the children of Ham's brothers.
There are some disputes about this story, however regardless of  what is true and what is not, it was certainly a start of a big historic feud between the same family.

The story told that Noah blessed Sam (Shem) and wished for Japheth to multiply in numbers, and be under the "protective umbrella" of Shem. And Canaan always be their servants!

Because of this story, Superior Race was created, and now there are already Lords and Slaves.

After the flood Japheth moved through Turkey and inhabited the lands of  North Iran, Armenia and Russia, then continued to explore all the North of East and West Europe, then down to France, Spain, Italy and the Greek Islands.

Ham moved to Africa and parts of the Near East (India)
Egypt was considered in the Bible as the Land of Ham.
Ham became the forefather of the southern peoples (Hamitic Race)

The Book of Jubilees hinted that Ham's son Canaan, further refused to join his brothers to settle in Ham's allotment beyond the Nile (Africa) and proceeded to inhabit the Eastern shores of Mediterranean "squatting" within the inheritance of Shem in the region that later was known as the Promised Land to Abraham.

Sam or Shem is known as the forefather of the Middle Peoples (Semitic Race). Jews consider him their father through Arpachshad.

Now Arpachshad who is considered the father of Jews, had 3 sons:
Cainan: whom for some reasons the Jews cancelled his name from the genealogical list

Shelah or Salah: Who may be also son of Cainan and not Arpachshad, had a son called Eber who is the eponymous ancestor of Hebrews. He was living in Babel, however it is said by the Jewish traditions that he refused to participate in building the Tower of Babel.
Eber had two sons, Peleg and Joktan.
Peleg: Whom in his days and according to the Book of Genesis "The Earth was divided" and this expression was translated as political divisions between the sons of Noah.
From Peleg there were Reu, Serug, Nahor, Terah and Abraham.

Joktan In Arabic is Qahtan.
Later the sons of Joktan raised Ismail son of  Abraham.

I will stop at this station and try to see how we can inter-relate so far, these genetic lines with Geo-politics.

Since Canaan rebelled and refused to join his father, he might also have rebelled to fight the curse of Noah and the idea of being a servant to Shem.
His offsprings formed major powers, and repeatedly tried to control the regions of Egypt, Syria and Phoenicia, where important political was changing continuously in the aftermath of each battle.

The Jebusites were also offspring of Canaan, settled in Philistine and built the city of Jerusalem which they named it Jebus till it was later conquered by King David.

The Amorites who were described in the Bible as the Giants, probably are the same people of Eram in the Koran. They were the inhabitants of Parts of Arabia, Jordan and North Syria. The Bibles tell that they were conquered by Joshua, as the Israelites were ordered to destroy all the inhabitants of Canaan, however the Gibeonites (offshoots of Amorite) "tricked" them to a treaty that kept their lives but only as slaves.

The Elamites were descendants of Elam son of Shem and inhabited the lands southwest of Iran and Iraq. It was later conquered by the Sumerian king Enmebaragesi, and the Babylonian king Hammurabi, who put the Hammurabi Code, a law that was written before the Mosaic Code, a matter which was subject to disputes between civilizations for many centuries to come, probably till our days.

Abraham was the father of Issac from the Hebrew Lady Sarah and Ismail from the Egyptian Lady Hajar who was Sarah's maid.

The descendants of the two sons are in feud till nowadays.
The Eternal Feud!

Sami Cherkaoui

Tuesday, 5 September 2017

Birthday(s) of Adam !

Different cultures put different dates, of what they believe the start of Creation:

Maya civilization - August 11, 3114 BCE
Judaism - September 22 or March 29, 3760 BCE
James Ussher (1654) - October 23, 4004 BCE
Byzantine Church calculation - September 1, 5509 BCE
María de Ágreda - 5199 BCE
Harold Camping - 11013 BCE
Puranic Hinduism, 158.7 trillion years ago (50 "years of Brahma")

Eternity - Postulates made by a number of groups including historical and contemporary scientists and certain New Age idealizations that the universe has always existed, so there is no "beginning" of the universe (though the Earth and other celestial objects may have come into being closer to the current day).
One such scientific theory is the steady state theory.
Buddhists and Hindus believe in a Cyclic Universe consisting of endless cycles of the Universe expanding, contracting and subsequently reforming.

The philosopher Immanuel Kant believed the question of when the universe "began" presupposed transcendental realism and was therefore unanswerable. According to him the universe exists without reference to cause and effect.

According to radiometric dating the planet Earth was formed about 4.55 billion years ago and according to the Big Bang theory the Universe began expanding approximately 13.7 billion years ago.

According to the book of Genesis, and the Quran, God created life in 6 days; and according to the Biblical chronology, the creation existed either about 5500 BCE or about 4000 BCE, depending on what version of Bible you read.

Isaac ben Samuel of Acre, (A Kabalist) calculated that the universe is actually 15,340,500,000 years old.
He reached this conclusion by distinguishing between earthly "solar years" and "divine years," based on a verse from Psalms, which states that "A thousand years in Your sight are but as yesterday".
If each day of a divine year is equal to a thousand earthly "solar years," then a divine year would be 365,250 solar years long. Isaac then makde some other calculations based on the Talmud and the Biblical sabbatical year, and arrives at the number 15.3405 billion.
But in the general case the chronological calendar of Islam which leads to Adam birth does not differ much form either Genesis of the two versions of the Bible.

Therefore the Birthday of (our father) Adam can be any day between 6000 BCE to indefinite number of years!

However a Quranic (Aya) made me wonder.....

"The day we fold the sky like folding the book of records.... As we started the first creation, we repeat it... A vow upon us, which we had been doing".

This is very close to scientific theories that life on Earth is billion of years old. But if we think deep of this "Aya", we might see that it may be referring to Creations of Many Adams !!

Go figure...

Sami Cherkaoui

Alchemy ... The Egyptian Art

The first Scientists in history were Egyptians and Babylonians.

The Greeks came afterwards, but gave credit to Egyptians and named them Alchemists, and named their science Al Khemy.

The word “Alchemy” is derived from Khem, which means Egypt, and the whole word came to mean the wisdom of Egypt.

The Egyptian God Thoth was believed to have invented the sacred art of writing and the concepts of justice; he taught mankind astronomy, architecture, geometry, medicine and religion.

He was the carrier of Divine messages and recorded all human deeds.

Like the Hebrew and Persian gods, he sat among the judges of the dead, weighing the heart.

An unworthy heart (soul) was eaten by Sobek and ceased to exist, while the worthy went to the blissful realms or were reborn to continue their evolution.

It is therefore understandable that Thoth, the God of Wisdom, was credited with the creation of alchemy.

The famous Library of Alexandria contained more than 500,000 scrolls, including Euclid, Archimedes, Ptolemy (geometry), Aristarchus of Samos (who demonstrated that the world was round and revolves around the sun some 1500 years before Kepler) and texts on math and geography which were translated in Latin and dominated these fields well into the middle ages.

Scientists studied ancient Egyptian texts and learned of the precession of the equinoxes and that the moon, which revolved around the Earth, was responsible for tides.

Eratosthenes, a famous Greek alchemist, calculated the circumference of the Earth and was unchallenged until the last half of the 20th century when space travel and computer measurements confirmed his measurements adding only a few decimal points.
All of these authors were alchemists.

Pagan scholars and sages fled to the Middle-East and were welcomed with open arms by the emerging Muslim cultures.

Greek versions of the Emerald Tablet of Hermes were treasured by the Muslim conquerors and revered as sources used to develop Algebra, Number Theory, Architecture and Medicine which until recently far surpassed the West.

The texts known as the ‘Hermetica’ are named after the Greek God Hermes Trismegistus, Thrice Great Hermes, the Greek name of Egyptian God Thoth as in the ancient world it was common to credit the God or Goddess who inspired the author.
Hermetica is seen as the direct descendant of Sumerian and Egyptian philosophy.

200 years after Alchemy worked its magic, Muslim Empires were replete with learning and scientific achievements.

In the 9th century, the first University was established in Baghdad and was called “the House of Wisdom.” 

Many pagan works were translated and taught, studied and practiced.

Hermetica became the secret inspiration for many unorthodox religious sects such as the Sabaeans, Sufis (who called Hermes “Idris and Enoch.”), Zoroastrians, Gnosticism and various schools of neo-Platonists.

The most notable of the Sufis was. Al Hallaj martyred as a heretic, who loudly espoused the Hermetic wisdom “I am the truth,” and “We are all God.”

Secret societies such as Masonry, the Golden Dawn, the O.T.O., the Rosicrucians were founded around Hermetic texts and on Hermetic doctrines.

Early Hermetic writings remain some of the oldest and greatest sacred texts ever written.

In a very real sense, Hermetica continues its influence as quantum mechanics demonstrates the hidden truths of ancient Hermetic philosophy and psychology validates alchemy as true means of mental and spiritual health.

Religion and science are merging.

The questions are, how it all started with the Egyptians? The Pharaohs?
Where Science came from?
Why most of the texts were sacred?
Why the Sufis called Hermes Idris or Enoch?

If we look at some of famous figures in history whose works were influenced by Alchemical texts.. we can see among them:
Queen Elizabeth I, Martin Luther, Rumi the Sufi, Shakespeare, Sir Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, Aristotle, Leonardo Da Vinci, Michelangelo, Victor Hugo, William Blake, Descartes, Milton, etc....

Go figure......

Sami Cherkaoui

Sunday, 3 September 2017

Fraction Of A Second Existed the Existence!

Cosmic Inflation?

Scientists are struggling to find out how this universe existed and consequently how we existed.

They are talking now about a map assembled from 15 months' worth of data and showing an exquisite confirmation of our Big-Bang model for the origin and evolution of the Universe.

It details what is known as the cosmic microwave background, or CMB - a faint glow of long wavelength radiation that pervades all of space.

Its precise configuration, visible in the new Planck data, is suggestive of a cosmos that is slightly older than previously thought - one that came into existence 13.82 billion years ago i.e an increase of about 50 million years on earlier calculations.
This map also shows a slight more matter and slight less energy which is driving the cosmos apart at an accelerating rate.

They are saying that the Universe started in a hot, dense state in a tiny space then expanded and cooled.
This supports the idea of INFLATION which suggests that in the very first moments of its existence the Universe opened up in an exponential manner faster than light itself.

This idea of Inflation turned to a breakthrough in the research of scientists and announced by a team used a telescope at South Pole to make detailed observations of a small patch sky.
This project is called BICEP2.

Inflation theory suggests that the cosmos experienced a massive growth spurt in its first trillionth of a trillions of a trillions of a second. Then Space continued to expand for about 14 billion years and still expanding.

Some scientists believe that this discovery of the inflationary epoch, opened a window on the mysterious dark energy, and gave some lights on how the infant Universe was transformed from mere quantum fluctuations into something of microscopic size after its birth and how space time expanded incridibly and rapidly, ballooning outward faster than the speed of light.
That ancient light which began saturating the universe hundreds of thousands years after the Big Bang. It is believed that before this time the Universe was a sizzling fog of plasma and energy too hot for photons to travel freely.

The microwave background temperature is the same at different spots in the sky, and this would have remained a mystery if the cosmic inflation did not tell us that our whole sky came from this tiny region.

The spectacular expansion of the Universe during inflation produced gravitational waves which in turn generated the Big Bang modes according to the theory of the Smoking Gun which is a type of polarization in the CMB (Cosmic Microwave Background).

However scientists still do not know what is the substance that propelled inflation and till it is known the Universe remains a dark matter or what they scientifically called it Dark Energy.

Sami Cherkaoui

Saturday, 2 September 2017

Big Bang and the Dark Side

A research made by astronomers in the Physics Department at Durham University suggested that the conventional wisdom about the content of the Universe may be wrong. They based their suggestion on observations by using Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe satellite of the remnant heat from the Big Bang.

The last observation in 2001 showed that the ripples were about twice the size of the full moon or around a degree across.
This suggested the cosmos is made of 4% normal matter, 22% dark or invisible matter and 74% dark energy.

The new observation showed that the measurement of the size of the ripples are significantly smaller, which could imply that the dark matter and dark energy are not present after all.

In astronomy  and cosmology, dark matter is matter that is inferred to exist from gravitational effects on visible matter and background radiation, but is undetectable by emitted or scattered  electromagnetic radiation.
Its existence was hypothesized to account for discrepancies between measurements of the mass of galaxies, clusters of galaxies and the entire universe made through dynamical and general relativistic means, and measurements based on the mass of the visible "luminous" matter these objects contain: stars and the gas and dust of the interstellar and intergalactic

Dark matter is crucial to the Big Bang  model of cosmology as a component which corresponds directly to measurements of the parameters associated with Friedmann cosmology solutions to general relativity.

Dark energy is or was the most popular way to explain recent observations and experiments that the universe appears to be expanding at an accelerating rate.

Galaxies show signs of being composed largely of a roughly spherically symmetric, centrally concentrated halo of dark matter with the visible matter concentrated in a disc at the center.

Low surface brightness dwarf galaxies are important sources of information for studying dark matter, as they have an uncommonly low ratio of visible matter to dark matter, and have few bright stars at the center which would otherwise impair observations of the rotation curve of outlying stars.

Gravitational lensing observations of galaxy clusters allow direct estimates of the gravitational mass based on its effect on light from background galaxies.

What does this mean?

If dark energy exists, then it ultimately causes the expansion of the Universe to accelerate, and plays a central role in th structure formation and galaxy evolution.

If it does not exist, then the structure formation and galaxy evolution must have been made by another method or system Or .... God.

So far there is no known proved method or system that has arranged the cosmos.
All what we have are theories.
Even scientists are skeptical if these theories could be applied or not.
Well.... It seems the theory of God is prevailing as constant amongst all other theories.

This would leave the open possibility that the religious arguments are after all true.

Scientists believe that the acceleration of the Universe began about 5 billion years ago.
But we have learnt from Religion and Myth that time has no essence in creation, and so it should have no essence in other dimensions or other worlds...

Would it be possible that the 5 billion years scientists are talking about is in reality only 6/7000 years .. Adam Age?!

It seems now all possibilities are wide open.

Will we know the truth?.... Who knows

Sami Cherkaoui

Friday, 1 September 2017

Creation and Reincarnation

The intriguing fact of Creation brought so many questions with no real answers such as; is there one world and one life in the universe, or various different lives or worlds or dimensions? and what are the common links in tackling this subject with religion, myth and science?
And what about the simulated reality, dreams, Deja Vu and cloning? How they are linked to Creation?

A very serious theory, which many cultures have believed in and submit certain kind of stories to prove it is Reincarnation.

What is it and how it was originated...
And how we can relate it scientifically or religiously too Creation?

When we try to dig in this subject, we find that reincarnation or the concept of rebirth, was followed by major Indian cultures, including Hinduism, Sikhism, Jainism, and Buddhism ...
The idea was also fundamental to some Greek Philosophers and religions, Druidism and some societies around the world such as Siberia, West Africa, North America and Australia.

Some sects within Judaism, Christianity and Islam such as Hasidim and Cathars believe in some aspects of Reincarnation.

Some Islamic researchers, refer certain Aya(s) in the Qur'an as a kind of reincarnation. When God talks about " Dying twice and living twice"... or " folding the skies and start again the creation"...
Other argues that this might refer to different lives and not necessarily reincarnation.
Some claim that when God says "There is not an animal (that lives) on the earth, nor a being that flies on its wings, but (forms part of) communities like you", it is definitely meant that they have all, animals, birds and humans processed the concept of transmigration of soul into flesh.. since they are all considered as same communities.

Many Christians regard Jesus as a divine incarnation and they and many Muslims believe he and some prophets may incarnate again.

Shia Muslims also regard their founders as in some special sense divine incarnations

The early Christian sect "Ebionites" taught that the Holy Spirit had come as Adam and later reincarnated as Jesus. Other Jewish Christian groups such as the Elkesaites and Nazarites also believed this.
The Clementine Homilies (an early Christian document) also taught many incarnations of Jesus.
The Samaritans believed that Adam had reincarnated as Seth, then Noah, Abraham, and even Moses.

Reincarnation has always been a part of Jewish and Christian history. In fact, orthodox Judaism still teaches reincarnation.

The true meaning of reincarnation is "entering the flesh again" and it corresponds with the English phrase "transmigration of the soul" but consequently a continuation of the soul and not the flesh.

Some philosophers like Dr. Dahesh.. believe that reincarnation is not necessary a transmigration of the soul into another flesh.. but can be a transmigration also to plants and material items such as stones, wood, steel etc... and this is because human is given several chances to purify the soul because God as he is The Merciful does not want humans to go to hell from their first sins .... He make them complete some multiple purification procedures on earth by multiple reincarnations.

The Buddhist  concept of reincarnation is that there is no eternal "soul", "spirit' or self" but only a "stream of consciousness" that links life with life.
In Buddhist tradition the process occurs across five or six realms of existence, including the human, any kind of animal and several types of supernatural being. It is said in Tibetan Buddhism that it is very rare for a person to be reborn in the immediate next life as a human.

The Egyptians believed that the soul transmigrated from body to body and this was a reason why they embalmed the body in order to preserve it so that it could journey along with ka, an animating force that was believed to be counterpart of the body, which would accompany it in the next world or life.

Mark Twain in his " The Adventure of Tom Sawyer" said that one of the purposes of the life review is to make an informed choice between remaining in spirit and returning to flesh. Should we choose to merge completely with the light of God, we will never again be able to choose and decide on our own, to return to physical life. he believed that the decision to merge in the light is the best decision.
Near-death experiences prove this misconception to be just that - a misconception. This is because time as we know it does not exist in the spirit world. A person can literally spend an "eternity" in the spirit realms, if they wish to do so, and have the freedom to decide if they want to reincarnate or not. The ultimate goal of reincarnation is to learn enough lessons from Earth lives that reincarnation is no longer necessary.

According to Ian Stevenson, the memories normally occur between the ages of three and seven years then fade shortly afterwords; he compared the memories with reports of people known to the deceased, attempting to do so before any contact between the child and the deceased's family had occurred, and searched for dis confirming evidence that could provide alternative explanations for the reports aside from reincarnation.
Stevenson believed that the best evidence for reincarnation was the existence of birth marks and deformities on children when they occurred at the location of fatal wounds in the deceased, but also claimed unusual behaviors such as phobias for the thing that killed the deceased, and in some cases the mother having a dream in which the deceased announces their intention to reincarnate in the child, were also evidence of reincarnation.

No matter what the truth is....
For sure there is a cycle of life which starts and ends...
This cycle could be the same cycle of nature and its Seasons
If springs starts the green.... the other seasons follow till the green die.
Then spring comes again.

Would life restarts... how and when?

Sami Cherkaoui