Thursday, 31 August 2017

Creation and the Simulated Reality

Science argues that in virtual simulation a person does not need a body since he/she can move from entity to entity by the power of mind..
Another way is cloning... by taking a sample of virtual DNA and create a real-world vis-a-vis from that model. (Typical Twin)
Well this Typical Twin is what parallel world or dimension is all about.
And it is the very matter that religion talks about it indirectly, while mythology and even magic tackle it directly.
We find the Typical Twin in most of their stories under different names..

We can go back to this subject later.

Now let us go back to the sequence of creation.

If science sees that the Big Bang had created this world/universe/life, we can see that Myth and Religion are not that far away from this theory..
The difference is in timing..

Let us see how..and we start with Mythology

In any society, the stories of creation are usually regarded as a profound truth.
Mythical stories in different  Mythological Societies can differ, however they all have a common belief that creation is a result of a cosmological chaos or morphousness.
All are scary stories with plots and characters who are either deities, human like figures or animals who often speak and transform easily.
Those characters and plots are set in a dim and nonspecific past.
Common motifs also include the fractionation of the things of the world from a primordial chaos; the separation of the mothers and fathers; the wrath of gods; or the emerging of a land from an infinite and timeless ocean.

The Bakubas in Africa for instance say that there was nothing but darkness and water controlled by a giant who felt pain in the stomach one day and vomited the sun, moon and stars. Then the Sun evaporated water to cover Earth and create clouds then mountains emerged. From the second vomit of the giant came the Man, Woman, ... animals, trees .. etc..

This is not much different of the story of creation in Religion - six days creations started with light to reach Adam and Eve.

Buddhism  generally ignored the question regarding the origin of lif, and are more concerned with the goal of saving oneself and other beings from suffering. However, the Kalachakra  Tantra, a scripture of Tibetan Buddhism, deals with the formation and functioning of reality. Modern day Buddhists such as the Dalai Lama don't perceive a conflict between Buddhism and Science and consider they are complementary means of understanding the world around us.

Hindus believe that the cycle of creation, preservation, and destruction has no beginning and end.
Another reason for this could also be the Hindu concept of cyclic time, such as yugas, or days of Brahma.
A Day of Brahma lasts 4.32 billion years and the night of Brahma also lasts for 4.32 billion years. Days and nights follow in cycles (unlike the concept of linear time in many other religions). In fact, time is represented as Kālá Chakra, the wheel of time.

That would be similar in a way to the count of time in the Religious Books.

While  there were several different creation myths in the Egyptian  Mythology, they all shared common elements: an infinite, lifeless ocean which preceded the creation, and a pyramidal mound of land which was the first thing to emerge from this ocean.

To some degree these myths represent competing theologies, but they can also be seen as representing different aspects of the process of creation.
The convergence of the Ogdoad represented the transformation of the lifeless primordial chaos into the orderly, life-bearing world; the Ennead myth demonstrated how the world's original, embryonic form (Atum) evolved into the multiplicity of elements it later contained.
Amun was the ultimate cause of creation, who first developed a concept of what the world would be like, and Ptah was the power of creative speech, by which that initial vision was made reality, and which caused the growth of Atum.

In Islam, The Qur'an states that God created the world and the cosmos in six days process, made all the creatures that talk, walk, swim, crawl, and fly on the face of the earth from water.
God Made the angels, and the sun, moon and the stars to dwell in the universe.
Poured down the rain in torrents, and broke up the soil to bring forth corn, grapes and other vegetation; olive and palm, fruit trees and grass.
Molded clay, earth, sand and water into a model of a man and breathed life and power into it, and it immediately sprang to life. And this first man was called Adam.
God took Adam to live in Paradise. God taught Adam the names of all the creatures, and then commanded all the angels to bow down before Adam.

In the Judeo-Christian traditions, God created the different features of the world over a series of six days. Then separates the waters, the sky and the dry land, and fills the earth with vegetation.
Then God put lights in the sky to separate day from night to mark the seasons.
On the fifth day, God created sea creatures and birds of every kind and commands them to multiply their numbers.
On the sixth day, God created land creatures of every kind.
Man and woman were created last, after the entire world is prepared for them; and God created them in his image.

So, where and how Myth, and Religion differ from Science and each other.?
They all do not have timing.
But they differ in data and information.
Even Science is not able to submit facts ... only guesses, so Science comes so close to Myth in this matter.

May be the quation should be not How the creation was created But WHY?

Why this whole creation happened in the first place?

Why we are sure that we are alone in this whole universe ... or not sure?.

Let us seek answers.

Sami Cherkaoui

Wednesday, 30 August 2017

History, Myth, Science and Religion

Not only History, but may be Future also...

I am not a scientist, nor a historian.
Let us take a deep breath, sit back, calm down, open our minds and try to figure out something .....anything about this life, universe, skies, earth, seas, mountains, creation, humans, animals, plants....
I know it is a lot to think about... but it is all linked one to another.
So it is not possible to think about one issue without linking it to another.
To simplify this idea, we may have to put in sequence; first the creation, universe, skies, earth etc...
However, and because we have to dig into millions of years ... our sources are limited to three... Science, Myth and religion.
As these three factors appear to be absolute conflicts, it seems they share the same intel but differ in data and performance.
Let us see how.
If we want to tackle the creation, we see that Science, Myth and religion all agree that at a certain point of time there was a creation.
Myth talks about different Gods each came from different parts of the sky and created its related nature on earth. Light, Darkness, Seas, Mountains, Rivers, Trees etc...
Religion talks about one God who decided at one certain time to create the universe with all its features as we see them now, skies, earth, planets, creatures etc..
But they all seem inter-related or dependent on one another in starting this quest.
The Big Bang theory relies on two main assumptions: the universality of physical laws, and the Cosmological Principle.
Recent studies are seriously discussing the issue of multiverse (or meta-universe, metaverse) as a non-discovered-yet fact.
They talk about a set of multiple possible universes including ours, that together comprise everything that physically exists: the entirety of space and time, all forms of matter, energy  and momentum, and the physical laws and constants that govern them.
The various universes within the multiverse are sometimes called parallel universes.
Well then, if we have to talk about parallel or alternative universes, may be we have to talk as well about Deja Vu.!
The "previous" experience is most frequently attributed to a dream, although in some cases there is a firm sense that the experience has genuinely happened in the past.
But why we have to include this Deja Vu, in our discussions of history, universe, myth and religion?
Also, this subject is not far form the mythical and religous stories.
Many issues to tackle.....

I  am in love with History, Mythological and Religious stories
I also love to discuss these subjects.

Then they all have their logic about when and how.
For example
Science speaks about Big Bang. A big explosion that created the universe, its planets and all other features of life.

 A graphic scheme of an artist's concept illustrating the expansion of a portion of a flat Universe.

May be we have to complicate matters more, and talk also about our world / universe and the alternative world(s) / universe(s).

Well, probably because even some scientists believe that Deja Vu is a fiction subject or mental disorder, others linked it to the theory of multiple universes, or even re-incarnation ( as subject that should be tackled separately).
Lately there are attempts to categorize Deja Vu, as a fringe science which may pave a way to the discoveries of alternative worlds or universes if they are not already discovered.

It is even hinted in all religious books, and it is worth trying to unbreak the different "codes" or "cyphers" related to paranormal issues or at least find out why they were put and what they refer to..

Help from readers not only welcomed but certainly will be most appreciated.
Sami Cherkaoui

Saturday, 26 August 2017

The Evil Politics

The Middle East was and still is the historica origin of major religions.

Throughout its history the Middle East has been a major center of world affairs; a strategically, economically, politically, culturally, and religiously sensitive area.

The earliest civilizations, Mesopotamia  and ancient Egypt, originated in the Fertile Crescent and Nile Valley regions of the ancient Near East, as well as the civilizations of the Levant, Persia, and Arabian Peninsula.

The Arab Caliphates of the Middle Ages, or Islamic Golden Age, that would first unify the entire Middle East as a distinct region and create the dominant ethnic identity that persists today.

The Turkic Seljuk, Ottoman and Safavid empires would later dominate the region.

The Seljuk and later Ottoman Empires  were medieval  Sunni Muslim empires, that  controlled vast areas stretching from the Hindu Kush to eastern Anatolia and from Central Asia to the Persian Gulf. Later the Ottoman expansion reached West Mediterranean, north and East Europe.

The Safavids ruled the greatest Iranian Empire since the Islamic conquest of Persia and established the school of Shi'a Islam as the official religion of their empire, marking one of the most important turning points in the history of Islam.

Despite their demise in 1736, the Safavids have left their mark down to the present era by establishing and spreading Shi'a Islam in major parts of the Caucasus and West Asia, especially in Iran.

Most of Arab countries were once occupied by the Turks, and Ottoman rules were established in Egypt, Syria, Palestine, Lebanon Etc..

Both Iran and Turkey have their dreams in restoring their historic powers in the region.

It is not a secret that the Sunni-Shia conflict has seen a major uptick, particularly in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan.

We are already seeing seeds of fatal struggles between Sunni and Shias' religious groups, in different parts of the region; Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Bahrain, etc..

Many explain the bloodshed as the work of conspiracies by outsiders.
Others blame the fundamentalists from both sides.

ISIS emerged from all these crisis as a peak of Sunni; extremists with a declared agenda to restore the Khalifa's Reign and drag all Shias and moderate Sunnis out or kill them.
It is not clear how those people got enough power, manpower, technology to occupy over third of Iraq and Syria in an unbelievably short time !

In Lebanon, effortless try-outs to ignite fights between the two Muslim sects, to start a bloody civil war based on this ethnocentrism.

In between, there are the political maneuvers of some leaders here and there to achieve certain benefits.

The removal of Saddam Hussein of Iraq, Muammar Qaddafi of Libya, Abdalla Saleh of Yemen, have created a confusing chaos,unstable governments, ethnic militias and brought international military intervention mainly Iranian,Turkish and Russian. !

The attempt of removing Bashar Assad of Syria by force have turned a full scale civil war that devastated the country, divided it, killed millions of people, driven millions of people out and brought in armies of 2 countries and troops from USA, Britain and France ... all trying to prevent the other to have full control of the country. The Russian army proved to have the upper hand in Syria, despite the fact that Iran spend tremendous money and man force to have this upper hand. The Russian military intervention came as a surprise to the Iranians, but necessary to save them from a predicted defeat in the war against the opposition militias.
Turkey as a major player has supported the Syrian oppositions but let the doors open with Iran and Russia especially after the coup attempt against President Erdogan and the support of USA to the Kurds of Iraq and Syria.

Suddenly, the US Obama administration decided to make the famous nuclear pact with Iran and lift its sanctions against the Iranian OKEY to stop all its activities thought to lead for building a nuclear bomb.
USA Obama administration also did not mind the removal of Hosni Mubarak of Egypt and later supported a Brotherhood of Islam President and Government, But those were all ousted by a coup made by the Egyptian army that managed for its strong military man Sisi to be elected as the new President.
Obama did not have time to work against the new President.

Trump, the new US President supported Sisi, vowed to cancel the US/Iran nuclear pact and restore sanction, and launch full scale war against ISIS and pro Al Qaeda forces in Iraq and Syria.
Strangely enough Trump also showed full tendency to working with Russian President Vladimir Putin to defeat ISIS in the region despite their completely contradicting political agendas in the region.

So what is this conflicting and catastrophic scenario and why ?
And what is Israel doing amidst all the fire around and the obvious approach of their worst enemy Iran that is touching its borders with her direct and indirect military forces?
Who can say this is not Evil Politics?
Sami Cherkaoui

Friday, 25 August 2017

Qualifying Our Reading

The flood of daily news is so intense and do not take any rest.
But what is true and what is false?
If false why it is false?

My feeling is that we are being used by so many powers.
Left. Right. Middle - does not matter - they are all powers.
Those powers want us to believe what they want us to believe!
They have all the means and powers to do this.

This is why we are at loss to understand the real meaning of what happened before and what is happening now.

This blog is an attempt to comprehend matters and issues better and find answers to intriguing facts that can by all means be FALSE

History and religion are amazing subjects,
I believe that we may be reading wrong history books, or may be those books are written in a deceiving way, and this probably why all the bad things happening now in our world is because of these deceitful readings.
I also believe that some people may have politicized religion in the past and put it in a narrow race concept and this vice is still going on till now and probably will continue till the end of days

I believe we are all one people - actually the same people. Humans
There is one country - Earth
And Religion should not be a political or race issue.

To be FREE is to be free of any obligation to any third party.that can be between you and humanity, between you and your civilizations and between you and GOD.

There is always a hidden truth behind any story .... Let us find it.
Let us not blindly believe anything told to us.
Let us refuse to be followers.
Let us lead ourselves to the pure truth, to the pure concept of this life, to the pure society and to the pure humanity

Sami Cherkaoui